Greetings from the Federation:
There is a great sense of hope developing on your world today as your collective thoughts focus on the arrest of the Illuminati and the restructuring of your financial systems. These are as have been intended. They are being played out all over your world in an orchestrated manner that would overwhelm you in its strategic development if you could know its depth and breath. We are here to speak about that which we can without jeopardizing actions already in play that you will see come to fruition over the coming weeks.
Prepare for great movements of information all over your globe that will focus those who are not in tune with what you have been accomplishing all this while. This will be the next, and greatest to date, mass awakening of individuals who have been asleep through the process thus far. This information will come from many sources, including your media, which has even now begun to unravel the Illuminati control about it. Truth is rolling over those that resist, and those who have always wanted this information to “get out” now see no impediment to their actions to make it so. This trickle will now become the floodgates of information that are a precursor to disclosure.